
Powering Your Every Day

When the creative arm of Burson-Marsteller became the agency of record for Dominion, the first task was to launch a new reputation management campaign to increase trust and positive perceptions about the services Dominion provided. The result was the "Every Day" campaign, personifying the power that Dominion provided on a daily basis using actual Dominion linemen. No matter the subject of the print ad or TV spot, the message was consistent: "What We Do Every Day, Powers Your Every Day."

The team successfully housed additional campaigns within the "Every Day" framework — everything from proactive conservation efforts to philanthropic initiatives to support Veterans. Dominion saw an increase in customer satisfaction during the tenure of the "Every Day" reputation management campaign. 

 Client: Dominion, Role: Art Director


Energy Savings

When your doctor tells you to lower your energy bills, you had better listen. Using humor to deliver quick and easy energy tips helped cut Dominion customers' energy usage significantly. 

I helped concept, art direct shoots and design print and OOH ads for this campaign. 


Every Day

Using real Dominion employees, the campaign was able to remain authentic and effective. Whether helping power your coffee maker in the morning, restoring power during storms or giving back to our Veterans and community, these employees embodied the reliability that Dominion is known for.

I helped concept, art direct shoots and design print and OOH ads for this campaign over the course of 5 years.